Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New CryEngine

The future is beautiful.  Crytek's game engine gets an overhaul and it looks great!
You really need to full-screen this.


Remember the cute cuddly little buggers from the Spore series? Ya, they're not so cute anymore. Maxis has re-imagined Spore as a darker, more RPG version of itself and Darkspore was born.

The game itself actually looks really interesting though I have my doubts. The game takes place in a universe where a group of people called “Crogenitors” decided to genetically alter life itself in order to create beings called “Living Weapons”. Ya I know, original. Their plans go horribly wrong however when their methods turn against them and the creations turn into abominations connected to a hive mind called “The Darkspore”. You control heroes made in a similar fashion to the Darkspore with the end goal of defeating the Darkspore which is quickly taking over the galaxy killing all in its path.

I’m really on the fence about this one. The videos of game play found on the game’s website make the game look like fun. An action RPG based on Spore however makes me cautious. In my opinion Spore is one of those games that is fun for an hour or two but quickly loses sheen. The enjoyment found in creating and colouring your own monsters is awesome, but gets old fast. I found it hard to enjoy Spore because it tried to cater to too many players at once. It basically touched on every game genre in existence but failed to do any of them really well. My concern is that Darkspore will try to do the same and water down the potentially awesome RPG experience it has to offer. Having said that, it could also be extremely well done. It seems to have two of the biggest things I look for in an RPG: story and customization. Obviously the Spore series is built on customization and this story does seem original so it has potential. On top of that the game supports multiplayer and even PvP which will be interesting to see how that works. Only time will tell but the game definitely demands a play though to see what Maxis has created.

Darkspore is currently slotted for a March 2011 release.

Last Played: Rift